We help navigate the complex Farm Credit regulatory environment with solutions and services that are designed by and for Farm Credit Associations to meet their unique business needs.
AgVantis is a
4.25 Service Corporation
working exclusively for the
Farm Credit System

AgVantis to Continue Providing Technology, Business Services to Farm Credit Entities
Wichita, KS., January 22, 2024 – AgVantis, Inc., provides business and technology services to Farm Credit Entities in the Farm Credit System and is making a transformative investment in its lending and financial platforms. The organization is a service entity owned by its shareholders: an ownership collaboration of eight Farm Credit Associations. Farm Credit’s mission is to support rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow.
AgVantis will implement the nCino Cloud Banking Platform a cloud-based data and analytics platform and along with other platforms will propel actionable business insights for its customers. The investment in AgVantis 2.0 will provide AgVantis’ Owner-Associations a technology foundation to continue to drive business growth with the ultimate objective being a cost-effective end-to-end platform that leverages the unique strengths within the Farm Credit System.
“AgVantis creates tremendous business opportunities and more efficient operations for all its Association owners. The AgVantis 2.0 evolution will streamline everything we do to meet the credit and financial needs of the farmers and ranchers we serve,” said High Plains Farm Credit President and CEO, Kevin Swayne, chair of the AgVantis Board of Directors.
AgVantis President and CEO David Oles said, “AgVantis looks forward to our continued collaboration with our Owner-Associations to fulfill the Farm Credit mission. This investment will ensure that our customers continue to have proven, leading technology and we will be better able to keep pace with changing technologies, manage rising costs, and deliver a process and technological foundation for transformation. I am also excited for the opportunities this provides our staff to grow with our customers.”
AgVantis, Inc., was chartered by the Farm Credit Administration in August of 2001 under section 4.25 of the Farm Credit Act. AgVantis currently serves Farm Credit Associations located in California, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. AgVantis will remain headquartered in Wichita, KS.