A Seamless Front-End Office Solution
Designed by and customized for Associations, our flagship product, NGS, is a comprehensive front-office solution, uniquely tailored to Farm Credit. This powerful, feature-rich and fully integrated tool places Association customers’ front and center in the loan and servicing process and allows for an ever-changing lending and regulatory environment.
NGS Features
- Customer/Contact Management (CRM)
- Product-Related Process
- Document Management
- Dashboards
- Reporting/Business Intelligence
- Configuration and Security
- Mobile Access
NGS Benefits
- One Record Throughout the Loan Life Cycle
- No Duplicate Integrated Data Entry
- Eliminates Disconnected Data
NGS Features
- Customer/Contact Management (CRM)
- Product-Related Process
- Document Management
- Dashboards
- Reporting/Business Intelligence
- Configuration and Security
- Mobile Access
NGS Benefits
- One Record Throughout the Loan Life Cycle
- No Duplicate Integrated Data Entry
- Eliminates Disconnected Data
NGS provides a robust CRM solution that enables you to manage member information in a 360 degree view. It offers an interactive dashboard with workflow capabilities and is designed to help you efficiently manage your members’ portfolios, as well as leads, opportunities, and marketing efforts. The NGS interactive dashboard uses alerts and ticklers to remind you when certain actions or follow-ups should take place.
NGS makes it easy to scan, archive, email, and view documents online. It offers an easy-to-use report designer that allows you to create customized documents with common Microsoft Suite products. Narratives create a unique and consistent view of the 5 C’s of credit (character, capacity, capital, collateral, conditions).
NGS allows for better control over credit standards and policies. Address verification and an integrated credit scorecard allow for quicker and more streamlined analysis. It also provides the capability to track and set spending levels at an Association or user level.
NGS gives you the ability to efficiently navigate and complete loan applications. It simplifies the loan-making process, making it easier for you to process loans at a faster pace. You fill out applications as information becomes available and save your work. You can quickly return where you left off to complete the application. Offering many unique features, NGS helps you manage all of your applications. The Sub Accounts feature lets you to break an existing loan apart into multiple separate accounts and provide different terms for each account.
Using NGS, you can monitor your loans, covenants, troubled loans and other loan requirements in near real-time. It provides visualizations of your loans and allows you to model changes in a staged environment. You can create different variations with fixed and variable interest rates without making any changes to the existing loans.
With the use of Participations too, Associations can offer a portion of the loan to other Associations while maintaining a full view of the loan within the NGS dashboard.
Allowing for the addition of new contacts, opportunities and notes. Read only access to NGS Data. Safe and secure.