Who We Are
Headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, AgVantis is a unique technology and business services provider for Farm Credit Associations.
We’re here to meet the extraordinary technology needs of the highly regulated Farm Credit industry. Since our inception in 2001, AgVantis has and continues to develop and provide customized software and services to Farm Credit Associations. We currently service Associations in California, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
Our Roots
AgVantis has deep roots in Farm Credit.
In 1916, Congress created the Farm Credit System to provide sound and dependable credit to American farmers, ranchers, producers or harvesters of aquatic products and farm-related businesses through a member-owned cooperative system. AgVantis was originally created as the Farm Credit Bank of Wichita’s information services department (part of the Ninth Farm Credit District). On August 3, 2001, the Farm Credit Bank of Wichita (Bank) and Associations of the Ninth Farm Credit District formed AgVantis, Inc., as a separate 4.25 Corporation to serve the technology needs of the Associations and the Bank.
Planting the Seeds for Tomorrow’s Success
Today, AgVantis employs more than 70 skilled professionals. We’re owned by the member Associations that utilize our services. Our Owner-Associations are hands-on in the development of the technology created and services provided by AgVantis. An example of this can be seen in our flagship software, NGS, which provides a unified front-end solution and an integrated approach to managing financial processes unique to the Farm Credit System. NGS was developed in close collaboration with our Owner-Associations and has fundamentally changed the way they interact with AgVantis applications.